Dr. Banwari Lal Sharma Gurukul is an unaided UP Board English medium educational institution established and administered by the "Abhigya Foundation", a charitable and registered society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. Abhigya Foundation was founded in 2019 with the objective of a high-quality and low-cost education system in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh.

Dr. Banwari Lal Sharm Gurukul focuses on a child’s overall development in terms of information processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skills, and language learning through field-tested resources and tools. BLS Gurukul is situated in the healthiest surroundings of Namisaryana, Sitapur, and is run by qualified, trained, and experienced staff.

The school encourages the students to aspire for excellence in every field such as sports, humanity, not only in academics. Students are being motivated to participate in sports activities. We have two regular sports lessons/classes per week in the curriculum.

The school is equipped with a world-class library and sports facilities. We, at BLS Gurukul, adopted the finest technologies and collaboration with the teachers at prestigious universities of the world such as Sam Houston University, Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, and Yale University.  The school provides opportunities to students in all aspects of sports, academics, and social services. We have a special center for the students, who like to study abroad in any discipline.